According to www.NASBLA.org, the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) is a national organization that works to develop public policy for recreational boating safety. NASBLA represents the recreational boating authorities of all 50 states and the U.S. territories and creates educational standards for boating safety classes.
What this means for you as a boater (or jet-skier)? If you take a NASLBA certified class, your can use your NJ state boat safety certificate in any other US states that requires a boat safety certificate.
Currently, Boat Safe US, LLC is the ONLY in-person course provider in New Jersey that is NASBLA certified. Take the NJSP required class and exam with Boat Safe US, and receive your NASBLA certification at the same time. So, if you decide to boat in another state, such as FL, NY or PA…etc, you can use your NJ boat safety certificate.
Through lecture, video, and student interaction, we provide the knowledge needed to obtain your NJ boating Safety certificate. Our Boat Safe US team will provide a family friendly, fun filled, information packed, 8 hours class (including exam) All students receive a class content manual that is theirs to keep for further review. During the class, students will be asked to write and highlight items in the manual to help focus on the main points being covered. Short breaks are taken throughout the day. If a 30-minute lunch break is taken, total time for the class and exam (including lunch) is 8-1/2 hours. At the conclusion of the class each student will take a 60 question, Multiple choice, exam. Passing grade is 80% or better. All students ages 13 and up who successfully complete the class and exam will be issued (same day) a temporary NJ boating safety certificate that will be valid for 1 year.
** Some insurance companies may also offer discounts on boating insurance to boaters who successfully complete this course. COURSE TOPICS INCLUDE Introduction to Boating – Types of power boats, boating vocabulary, sailboats, Human power vessels, types of power, and engine types. Boating Law – Boat registration, regulations, hull identification numbers, required safety equipment, Federal boating law, state boating law, and reporting accidents. Safety Equipment – Life jackets, fire extinguishers, sound producing devices, visual distress signals, anchors, and other safety equipment. Safe Operation and Navigation – Buoys and beacons, aids to navigation, navigation rules, docking, and the dangers of alcohol on the water. Boating Emergencies – Hypothermia, boating accidents, man overboard, capsizing, emergency radio calls, carbon monoxide dangers, and weather. Trailering – Types of trailers, lights, hitches, towing a trailer. Sports and Boating – Water-skiing, hunting and hunting gear, PWC operation, and other boating tips. Fishing and Hunting on the water, and the risks associated with these activities.
Classes available now! And will be adding more in our many locations throughout New Jersey.
Register for your boat safety course at www.BoatSafeUS.com.
Get ready for boating season now!
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